View Profile mchawking

43 Movie Reviews

8 w/ Responses

Hell Yeah

Great Job on the Brutality Scoot Dogg!! Keep up the great work! Nice job on the whole sense of speed and everything, there were more cool angles then I can cover to give you praise for! So just consider them all cool and innovative. I also liked the in-car view. Keep up the good work!

~Nate (mchawking)

lol hmmm

I dunno how in the fuck this made it to the front page... I think the initial idea was funny, but It needs much polishing, it's also a very abrupt ending. That could've been made in like 30 minutes to an hour...

Rock on man!

Great job on your latest movie bro! That was an epic battle!! Hopefully you will have a bit of time to crank out more stuff in the future... I know it will be busy and all but where there is a will there's a way! Plus you have a fan following now! Congrats on the daily feature... I know you've been busting your balls on animation forever, the time has come to be noticed! Anyways take it easy and e-mail me sometime so we can go warrior boarding!


Best Zelda Movie Period

Nice work bro, this is your best work yet! Any shit talkers about this film can eat a dick because it's great, end of story. Can't wait to see the next one! This shall make front page... I have seen it in a vision... :o)

~Nate Diggity


I think you could be on to something but get rid of the fucking voices!!! They totally kill the seriousness. Dub them yourself or give some bum off the street a bottle and get him to recite them.

cool, but could've been better

I think that you did a good job on it as far as the story but the animation leaves something to be desired..... I think that the highlight was the old man! hahahaha keep at it and practice animating some things and your movies will get much better.


slow it down, you can't even read it!

SpleenMan responds:

i have three nostrols.

haha right on

The warrior has returned, nice job dude. I think you've improved alot on the sound and stuff. Can't wait to see the next episode. My film is going pretty well, the next deliverance one. I have it all storyboarded out and it looks to be pretty brutal and badass. Take it easy bro.

stop being puss!

Since when is everyone a fucking pacifist. They would sooner take out aggression on people who drive slow on the highway then actually be for something that would help the world. Saddam is not a nice or kind person, He'd prob laugh as his goat humped you in the ass. Your movie was more like an animated gif then a movie as well. If you are going to make something like that make it long enough to say something.. Not just here's the world, here's a missle blowing it up... Bush is bad.

I am more of an artist then an animator but I work hard at what I do and hopefully you all enjoy it. Feel free to visit my webpage where you can check out some of my work or submit some of your own.

nate johnson @mchawking

Age 42, Male

freelance artist



Joined on 12/21/02

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